Our Easter Outreach on Saturday went wonderful! Thank you all for your prayers. It was really a big undertaking for us as a small church to pull off an event like this, but with the help of the team from Siegen we we're able to do it.
The Y.M.C.A building was available to rent on Saturday, so we were able to rent the entire property for this outreach. We had Easter Egg hunts, soccer, live music, free grilled bratwurst of course and lots of games for the kids to play. I think all the kids had a blast!
We had about 40 kids that came and at the end the families were all gathered together and we shared with them who we are and why we we're doing this event, to share God's love and the hope of Jesus Christ's resurrection. This was a really wonderful experience and I think that we will have a better connection with our community after this.
Praise you God for the answered prayers and for helping us to really do somthing that blessed the people here in Münster.
Hallelujah He is Risen! (He is Risen Indeed!)
What a wonderful and encouraging report!! God is so faithful to bless and fill all His works!