Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Returning home

This Christmas was really busy for us.  There was a special Christmas eve service that we hosted that went very well.  I also was invited to play some Christmas songs for a Christmas party with a friend here which was a really cool opportunity to share Jesus with a large group outside of the Church.

On Sunday Chris had asked me to share a message with the Church about our testimony of coming to Germany and all the things the Lord has been teaching us since we came here.  I shared from Genesis 22 which was concerning Abraham sacrificing Isaac to the Lord.  The message was really focused on sacrifice and obedience to the Lord, trusting God for things in our lives that will only make sense when looking at them in reverse.  Quite a few people gave me positive feedback that the Lord had really spoken to them through this message.  I'm praising God for all He's been doing here in our lives and in our Church, I know He who began this good work will be faithful to complete it.

This month has been busy as we are preparing to move home to the states.  Selling and finding new homes for all our things is proving to be a little bit more difficult that I had anticipated. We have to deal with some paper work and utility companies, cancel all our services and such (all in German).  Germans are very pedantic about paper work it seems.  This move is going to be pretty stressful for us and we really ask that you all would be praying that God gives us favor and helps us to finish well.
Our flight is scheduled for February 4th in the morning from Frankfurt to New York and we will be driving from New York to Washington D.C.  The last few times we flew home we got hit with snowstorms so hopefully Lord willing we break that trend this time!

Here's a picture of us all skating in Hamburg on one of the biggest outdoor skating rinks in Europe!