We thought we would give you all an update. Things have been going good here in Münster, thank you for all your prayers. We have had constant attendance for the past few months now, both the Sunday and Wednesday services. The people in the church are truly connecting and fellowhshipping with one another...it is awesome to see! And we are happy to report that we have a rotation forming for the translation and the children's ministry. Our friend Anke (she has been coming to the church for a while now) is going to be our second translator. She and Nada will trade off every other week or so. This is such a blessing, for Nada and all of us because now we are able to have an actual rotating children's ministry as well! It is such a blessing seeing the people in the church stepping up to serve!
Also, last week we traveled to Berlin to meet up with our old bible college friend Sammy Benka and Caleb. Sammy and Caleb both live in Stockholm, Sweden. They had been to Berlin before but this was our first time!
We arrived in Berlin last Sunday night just in time grab some Turkish food and watch the World Cup final. It was good game and we really enjoyed just hanging out together. Our hotel (thanks to Sammy) was so nice and right in the center of town. The next morning we met up with Sammy and Caleb at Aroma. For those of you who have never had Aroma or even know what it is...I will explain. Aroma is an Israeli coffee shop. Basically the Starbucks of Israel, only a million times better then Starbucks. We use to hang out at Aroma all the time when we lived in Israel. It is our favorite coffee in the whole world! We were so happy to find out that they had one in Berlin, but it made us miss Israel so much!
We traveled all around the city, went to check point Charlie, the Pergamon museum, German- Jewish history museum, saw some pieces of the Berlin wall and the Brandenburg gate. We all bought this amazing thing called a 48hour Berlin pass which allowed us to use all the buses, trains and the underground for two days. As well as free entrance into the museums and discounts at restaurants. All for 15 euro! Anybody who is going to Berlin should buy this pass. You can purchase them at the underground ticket kiosk, totally worth it!
We ate amazing food the whole time! Because Berlin is so international you can find just about any kind of food which is kind of unusual in Germany. But mainly we ate American food, since we all miss it. We had KFC, Tony Roma's ribs, Dunkin' donuts (the boys proceeded to four donuts each!). Here are some pics:

It was a great trip, in a great city with awesome friends! Berlin is definitely one of our favorite cities now...
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