Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our first Sunday service

Today we had our first Sunday morning service in Münster!  A team of five students came and visited this weekend to help with the first service from the Bible College in Siegen.  It was such a wonderful weekend of fellowship and prayer.  Along with the team being here from Siegen Nada's family came up to visit and be a part of our first service, and Chris' brother in law Marcus translated for us.  Another huge blessing was the mission Pastor from Siegen came to pray over Chris and Nada and pray for this new church.

Another huge blessing is we were able to print fliers, make posters, and purchase a projector for the church!

Please continue to pray for us and for God to continue to bless this ministry,

~ God doesn't call the qualified he qualifies the called


  1. So blessed to see how God has answered so many prayers of so many saints with hearts for His kingdom. It looks like your first Sunday service was a sweet and intimate time with the Lord. I continue to marvel at how swiftly the Lord has been moving in Munster. It does a heart good...and keeps us encouraged to press into praying with purpose.

  2. Without a doubt, you two have been called to Munster for "such a time as this". I, and many, were blessed to pray for health for both of you.
    Eph. 3:20,21. Love, Judi
