Sunday we left for Siegen, which is about 1 1/2 hours away from Münster. We attended the second service at CC Siegen and afterwards got to see some old friends from Bible College, which was really nice! Afterward we went for a walk down memory lane, visited the Villa and ate lunch at the best Döner shop in all of Germany. Döner is kind of hard to explain...but basically its a kebab sandwich from Turkey that is amazing! Afterward we went to Nada's sister's house, which is where we were all going to be staying.

After meeting Nada's family, Marcus (Nada's brother-in-law) took us on a walk through the forest. It was beautiful and the mountain air was so refreshing! He told us about all the different kinds of things that grow in the forest there, one of which is wild mushrooms. And so began our mushroom hunt! We gathered a bunch of mushrooms and when we got home Marcus cooked them and we ate them with dinner! It was a true old country thing...I felt very European in that moment, thinking of all the stories I have heard from my grandparents of such things.
Monday morning Nada and I drove to Herborn to attend the very first CC Pastor's Wife conference held in Germany. It was a sweet day, lots of prayer, worship and fellowship! I was able to meet Pastor Wives from all over Germany, some who have been here for 10+ years and others who have only been here for a few years. It was really cool hearing all their stories and how God called them to Germany and to start a church. The event was so nice and I felt so blessed to be part of it! The theme verse was "With God all things are possible..." Matthew 19:26
Before we left Siegen Nada's family prepared an awesome brunch for us...they were so hospitable! Very sweet people!
Tonight we had Bible study....there were about 15 people this week...the apartment was pleasantly packed! Please pray for the Wednesday night study and also that the Lord would provide a place for us to meet on Sundays.
Thank you all for your prayers...the Lord is answering and providing in so many amazing ways! May the Lord bless you all and keep you and make His face shine upon you!
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