Friday, February 10, 2012

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that we are Stateside! We flew home on last Saturday after a busy week of moving, selling and cleaning. We stayed our last week with Chris and Nada. They were great, helped us so much in all the things we had to finish before leaving Germany. On Saturday Chris and our friend Tim drove us to the Frankfurt airport at 3am to make our early morning flight. (Thanks guys, that was such a blessing for us) We arrived in JFK and were greeted by my Dad and brother Josh who helped us with all our luggage. We drove home to Virginia from JFK. But before we got home, we swung by Red Robin's to eat a real American burger and milk shake. It was so good!!!

Anyways, this past week we have been trying to recover from our jet lag as well as cold we picked up somewhere. (Probably the airplane) But hopefully we will be totally recovered soon!

We just wanted to thank you all for all your prayers and support over this past year and half. You all have truly been such a blessing and a comfort to us. May the Lord greatly bless each one of you for your faithfulness and generosity. We will try to update you all with our plans soon now that we are home!
