Our story of how God called us to Germany starts in 2007 while I was studying and serving in Siegen Germany at Calvary Chapel Bible College. This was an amazing time in my life where I began to really hear God’s voice and to be filled with His love for the lost. It was here that I realized my calling to be a missionary and also met my wife Becca.
Since that wonderful time we had in Germany, God has lead us through quite a few different seasons. Immediately after we left Germany, Becca began a six month mission trip with S.E.N.D. Ministries serving in Morocco. During this same time I was interning at CCBC Ensenada Mexico. I was responsible for leading worship and setting up their computer systems and was blessed to be part of the very first semester of classes on that campus. The time Becca and I spent apart during our engagement was difficult but fruitful. Communication during that season of separation was very limited, but God was working great things in both of us. The difficulty of being separated actually helped to knit our hearts together. We were married on May 30, 2009 and we both felt certain that the Lord was calling us into full time missions as husband and wife.
This past year has also been very eventful for us. We spent three months last fall serving with Steven and Pat Apple in Tel Aviv, Israel where I was leading worship every week with the congregation in Hebrew and English. Every week we helped out at the soup kitchen, and helped with a food distribution with the Sudanese refugees. Because of Israel’s strict visa laws we could only stay three months before we had to leave. While we were serving in Israel, the Lord reconnected me with an old friend from Germany named Chris Waldrop. He told me about how God had given him a vision to plant a church in Northern Germany in a city called Münster.
Before I talked to Chris, and while we were serving in Israel, something interesting was happening. We were constantly meeting Germans, and we really started to have a strong desire to connect with them. Initially we thought that God was perhaps leading us back to Siegen to serve at the Bible College. But when Chris invited us to be a part of a new church, we knew why God had been stirring our hearts for the German people. After praying into this invitation we felt convinced that Münster, Germany was exactly where God wanted us to go next.
Chris, his wife Nada and their two children, Simeon and Levi, have been living in Münster for several months now. They have connected with many local believers in the area and have been holding a weekly Bible study and prayer meetings. It is their desire to begin holding Sunday morning services as soon as possible. Their need is for a worship leader, help for teaching and caring for the children attending. In Siegen I used to lead worship in German so I feel confident I can pick it up again. Becca has a lot of experience and loves working with children. We both have a heart for youth, for sharing the gospel and music, so this seems to be a perfect place where God can use our gifts.
Our flights have been booked for the 15th of September. We will return to the states towards the middle of January when we hope we can reconnect with everyone and share more about what the Lord is doing in Germany. Until then we will be sending updates out through our blog and through email. In February we’re planning on returning to Germany.
Please keep us in prayer. We know that whenever God is moving powerfully there is strong opposition and we need believers to be praying for us and for the work in Münster.
Paul and Becca Ainslie